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Speech by Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the reconstruction and reconsecration of the Basilica of Pannonhalma

Honourable Archabbot, 
Honourable Bishops, 
Reverend Benedictine Fathers, 
Dear Benedictine Community, 
Ladies and Gentlemen!

„Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”

Welcome address by Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, at the presentation ceremony of the Order of St. Stephen of Hungary

"In science ... triumph depends not on the multitude of armies, but on individual heroes, and we need such heroes to conquer a land for us Hungarians in the world of science."

Honourable Mr Speaker!
Honourable Mr. President Áder!
Honourable Prime Minister! 
Honourable Ministers! 
Distinguished Honouree!
Ladies and Gentlemen!

Speech by Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, on the 35th anniversary of the Pan-European Picnic

Honourable President Steinmeier! 
Dear Commemorators! 
Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, it is hard to imagine that it is an extraordinary and courageous act for a group of people to sit down together for a good traditional bacon grilling. 


Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, at the Three Seas Initiative Summit

Every year, the Three Seas Initiative (TSI) summit and business forum is organised with the participation of 13 countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Austria, Croatia and Bulgaria), situated between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic Seas.

Press release on the discussion between President of Hungary Tamás Sulyok and President of the State of Israel Isaac Herzog

Tamás Sulyok had a telephone conversation today with Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

The President of the State of Israel congratulated Tamás Sulyok on his election as President of Hungary. The two Heads of State reviewed the most important bilateral and international political issues. During the exchange of views, the Hungarian President stressed that Hungary is a close ally and best friend of Israel as well as its strategic partner in Europe.

The President of Hungary set the date for the elections

Press release from the Sándor Palace

Today, President Tamás Sulyok, in fulfilment of his constitutional duty, called the election of the members of the European Parliament in Hungary and the general election of local municipality representatives and mayors. 

The first simultaneous elections will take place on 09 June 2024.


The votes express the democratic will of the electorate

On 9 June 2024, on the day of the elections to the European Parliament, local governments and of national minority advocates, Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary and his wife cast their votes in Szeged. After the vote, the President said that since there have been free elections in Hungary, his wife Zsuzsa and he have always exercised their right to vote, and again urged his fellow citizens to vote as well.

The President of Hungary received the Head of State of China on an official visit

President of Hungary Tamás Sulyok, accompanied by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, welcomed the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping with military honours in the Lion Courtyard of Buda Castle.

The President of Hungary on the anniversary of Hungary’s EU accession: Hungary does not give up its sovereignty

Hungary does not give up its sovereignty, and believes in the alliance of independent nation states in Europe, which the founding treaties currently guarantee – the President of Hungary said in Brdo pri Kranj in Slovenia on Monday.


Exclusive interview with Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, for Tények

- Mr. President, thank you for receiving us. On behalf of TV2, we consider it a great honour that you are giving your first major television interview to us.
Thank you for having me on your show, and a warm welcome to our viewers.

My meetings in Békés were highly rewarding - Interview with Katalin Novák

I found my meetings in Békés very rewarding, and I trust that I was not the only one who felt this way - said Katalin Novák, President of Hungary, in an interview with our newspaper - the Békés Megyei Hírlap - about the three days she spent in our county at the end of January. During our conversation, we discussed how to motivate young people to settle in the region, spoke about the war in Ukraine and this year's elections, and why she declared 2024 the Year of Getting Active.

CNBC interview with Katalin Novák

That I'm here for the first time, I experienced that it is, let's say, a constructive chaos, what we experience here, and also what the traffic is concerned, it's very difficult to get from one place to the other, but I have to assure you that the Swiss trains are on time. I took the train and it worked perfectly.

I came, I got the train as well.

Previous News interview with President of Hungary Katalin Novák

Where has she contradicted Viktor Orbán? Is her conscience clear after she reprieved György Budaházy? Has she told the Pope that she is releasing the perpetrators of terrorist acts on his behalf? Is she really the good cop of the System of National Cooperation? Would she be on good terms with the Prime Minister even if her name was Klára Dobrev? Can one be independent of the person whose initials one formerly wore as earrings? What has Orbán taught her? Does she argue with him? And why does she need a piano worth nearly 70 million in her office?

The stability of the Western Balkans is the key to the stability of Europe

Katalin Novák underlined that peace in the Western Balkans is a guarantee for peace in Europe, which is why it is of the utmost importance that the countries of the Western Balkans join the European Union as soon as possible. Hungary is playing a mediating and facilitating role in this process, she added. 
The Hungarian Head of State said that during the meeting with the President of Albania, the Russian-Ukrainian war, the fight against illegal migration, demographic issues and economic relations between the two countries were also discussed. 

Katalin Novák visited Hungarian soldiers injured in Kosovo and now recovering in hospital

On Wednesday morning, the President of Hungary visited the Hungarian soldiers who were injured in Kosovo and are already recovering in Hungary. 

On her Facebook page, Katalin Novák wrote that as the Commander-in-Chief of the Hungarian Defence Forces, she personally thanked them for their brave stand and wished them a speedy recovery.

Unrest broke out in northern Kosovo on Friday. In the clashes, 27 Hungarian soldiers - participating in the KFOR peacekeeping mission - were injured, 12 of whom have already been repatriated.


Statement by the President of Hungary on the injured Hungarian soldiers serving in KFOR

As the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, I wish a speedy recovery to all the soldiers injured in Kosovo while serving with the Hungarian Defence Forces NATO peacekeeping force.

It is an uplifting feeling to experience the unity of the nation - Katalin Novák at the Csíksomlyó Pilgrimage

"It is an uplifting feeling to experience the unity of the nation", said Katalin Novák, summing up the experience of participating in the Csíksomlyó Pilgrimage on Saturday, after she attended the Pentecost Holy Mass conducted on the mountain saddle between Kis and Nagysomlyó together with hundreds of thousands of pilgrims. 

The President of Hungary told journalists that those who, like her, have never been to the Csíksomlyó Pilgrimage before, may not be able to understand how uplifting it is to feel and experience the unity of the nation.

Applications for the Stipendium Peregrinum Scholarship Programme open again

Component B of the Stipendium Peregrinum Scholarship Programme (STIPI), which covers the costs of study abroad for the most talented young people, is open for applications again, Sándor Palace told MTI on Friday. 

The statement says that applications can be submitted in the period between 26 May and 12 June. The chief patron of the Stipendium Peregrinum Programme is President of Hungary Katalin Novák, the programme's initiator and promoter. 

Address by President of Hungary Katalin Novák on Hungarian Defence Day

This year, the Hungarian Defence Forces celebrate their 175th anniversary. On Hungarian Defence Day, as Commander-in-Chief, I salute our forces and our servicemen!

Katalin Novák's speech at the UN Meeting on Disaster Risk Reduction

Europe seemed to be a calm, peaceful continent in the last 70 years.

What do we see now? Pandemics, catastrophes, floods, fires and a brutal war in Ukraine. Our European world is not the same as we thought it would be by now.
On top of it, we suffer from the sad picture of empty cradles, and we’re facing a serious demographic crisis in our Western world.

Mr. President! Ladies and Gentlemen! 

Katalin Novák: the war in Ukraine and the demographic crisis are threatening Europe

"The war in our immediate neighbourhood, in Ukraine, also affects us, and we are also confronted with demographic challenges and a population decline never seen before " – said President Katalin Novák in New York on Thursday, at the conference organised under the auspices of the Sendai Framework for Reducing Disaster Risk and Increasing Resilience. 
