„Virtue, which mortals win only through great suffering,
Dear Fellow Citizens!Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin and around the world!
„The past is beyond our reach, but we are still the masters of the future.”
"Even with the best laws and the best judiciary, justice is incomplete without high-minded, respectable legal pro
In the third part of Áron Tamási's rightly popular novel, upon arriving at the port, Ábel, who is travelling to Ameri
"Only on the basis of pure concepts can human betterment develop."
"I didn't feel the horrible, bone-chilling cold of the water; I just had the goal in front of me, which I wanted
"If you don't know where you are going, you will be led where others want you to go."
"We must deliberately be united as one, and take the agonizing yet liberating step of reconciliation, opening our
Honourable Archabbot, Honourable Bishops, Reverend Benedictine Fathers,