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Receipt of ambassadorial credentials at Sándor Palace

President of Hungary Katalin Novák received the credentials of four ambassadors accredited to Hungary, who can now ev

The Presidents of Slovenia and Hungary visited the National Széchényi Library

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Hungary and Slovenia, the Nation

We will not send our husbands and sons to the Ukrainian front!

We cherish and continue to build the already positive relations between Slovenia and Hungary – Katalin Novák emphasiz

Katalin Novák met with female mayors in Kékcse

During her two-day visit to Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, the President of Hungary conducted an exchange of views wi

The nation will remain strong if it stays faithful to its spiritual-intellectual and tangible heritage

The nation will remain strong if it stays faithful to its spiritual-intellectual and tangible heritage - said Preside

We Hungarians, inside and outside our borders, can always count on each other

We Hungarians, inside and outside our borders, can always count on each other – the President of Hungary declared at

The Chief of Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces briefed the Head of State on the state of the war

On Tuesday, President of Hungary and Commander in Chief of the Hungarian Defence Forces received in her office Lieute

Katalin Novák: NATO must be unified and become stronger, but enlargement issues should be discussed

NATO must be unified and become stronger, but issues related to its enlargement should be discussed – declared Presid

A school is the unity of students, teachers and parents

In a school, the unity of students, teachers and parents is necessary - said President of Hungary Katalin Novák in Gö