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Speech by Dr. Tamás Sulyok on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mór Jókai
We stand before the grave of an exceptional Hungarian, a monument to one of Hungary's intellectual giants. But it is not the sorrow of his passing that has brought us here, but the joy and celebration of the fact that by the grace of the Creator, we have by now enjoyed his legacy for two centuries. We are not here to mourn his absence, but to bow our heads before his memory and thank him for what he left us.
Speech by Dr. Tamás Sulyok on the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Constitutional Court
Dear Mr Speaker!
Dear Mr President!
Ladies and Gentlemen!
I would like to welcome you all warmly and respectfully to this conference on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Constitutional Court. It was a pleasure to come to this event, with many fond memories, to welcome you and to share some of my thoughts about the extraordinary institution of which I myself was a member and then President.
Welcome speech by dr Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary on the occasion of the New Year reception of the Heads of Mission serving in Hungary
„Virtue, which mortals win only through great suffering,
is the most beautiful reward of life.”
Dear Excellencies!
Dear Ministers of State!
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
I would like to extend my warm and sincere welcome to all of you by quoting the opening lines of the Hymn to Virtue by Aristotle, one of the most influential thinkers of antiquity.
Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, at the Three Seas Initiative Summit
Every year, the Three Seas Initiative (TSI) summit and business forum is organised with the participation of 13 countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Austria, Croatia and Bulgaria), situated between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic Seas.
Press release on the discussion between President of Hungary Tamás Sulyok and President of the State of Israel Isaac Herzog
Tamás Sulyok had a telephone conversation today with Israeli President Isaac Herzog.
The President of the State of Israel congratulated Tamás Sulyok on his election as President of Hungary. The two Heads of State reviewed the most important bilateral and international political issues. During the exchange of views, the Hungarian President stressed that Hungary is a close ally and best friend of Israel as well as its strategic partner in Europe.
The President of Hungary set the date for the elections
Press release from the Sándor Palace
Today, President Tamás Sulyok, in fulfilment of his constitutional duty, called the election of the members of the European Parliament in Hungary and the general election of local municipality representatives and mayors.
The first simultaneous elections will take place on 09 June 2024.
The votes express the democratic will of the electorate
On 9 June 2024, on the day of the elections to the European Parliament, local governments and of national minority advocates, Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary and his wife cast their votes in Szeged. After the vote, the President said that since there have been free elections in Hungary, his wife Zsuzsa and he have always exercised their right to vote, and again urged his fellow citizens to vote as well.
The President of Hungary on the anniversary of Hungary’s EU accession: Hungary does not give up its sovereignty
Hungary does not give up its sovereignty, and believes in the alliance of independent nation states in Europe, which the founding treaties currently guarantee – the President of Hungary said in Brdo pri Kranj in Slovenia on Monday.
We can become the renovated church of Europe, said President Sulyok at the reconsecration of the renovated church in Ják
We can become the renovated church of Europe, where people come to draw strength, said Tamás Sulyok, the President of Hungary, at the reconsecration ceremony of Ják’s St. George Church (Vas County, Hungary) on Sunday.
Tamás Sulyok emphasized the need for revitalizing our communities.
We need to rebuild ourselves to each other, setting aside all obstacles, fears, uncertainties, and distrust, although this is not easy in the era of infidelity, where we lose the grace of connection, stated the President.
Exclusive interview with Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, for Tények
- Mr. President, thank you for receiving us. On behalf of TV2, we consider it a great honour that you are giving your first major television interview to us.
Thank you for having me on your show, and a warm welcome to our viewers.
My meetings in Békés were highly rewarding - Interview with Katalin Novák
I found my meetings in Békés very rewarding, and I trust that I was not the only one who felt this way - said Katalin Novák, President of Hungary, in an interview with our newspaper - the Békés Megyei Hírlap - about the three days she spent in our county at the end of January. During our conversation, we discussed how to motivate young people to settle in the region, spoke about the war in Ukraine and this year's elections, and why she declared 2024 the Year of Getting Active.
CNBC interview with Katalin Novák
That I'm here for the first time, I experienced that it is, let's say, a constructive chaos, what we experience here, and also what the traffic is concerned, it's very difficult to get from one place to the other, but I have to assure you that the Swiss trains are on time. I took the train and it worked perfectly.
I came, I got the train as well.
Previous News
Lajos Kósa visits the Head of State
Today, the President of Hungary hosted Lajos Kósa, Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement, at Sándor Palace.
Lajos Kósa reported on the details of the committee's work and its current tasks.
Welcome speech delivered by Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, on Hungarian Lawyers’ Day
"Even with the best laws and the best judiciary, justice is incomplete without high-minded, respectable legal professionals."
Dear Mr President!
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Bar!
With love and respect, I welcome you all to Hungarian Lawyers’ Day with a thought from Károly Csemegi.
Hungary’s Head of State received the Vice-President of the Slovak National Council
Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, hosted Peter Žiga, Deputy Speaker of the Slovak National Council, at Sándor Palace.
As members of the Visegrád Cooperation, the two countries have demonstrated on several occasions that they share a common interest in the security and prosperity of the region.
In this spirit, Hungary is strengthening its bilateral dialogue with Slovakia.
Armenian Speaker Alen Simonyan visits Sándor Palace
Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, received Alen Simonian, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, at Sándor Palace.
Armenians and Hungarians have lived together in the Carpathian Basin for more than a thousand years. The two peoples have long been united by their Christian faith and their commitment to peace and stability.
The Hungarian Head of State also discussed with Alen Simonian the further development of relations between their nations.
Presidential pilgrimage to the Shrine of Mary in Mátraverebély-Szentkút
A key part of the daily life of the President of Hungary Dr. Tamás Sulyok is prayer, reflection, and experiencing the Christian faith in various forms. For this reason, the President has decided to visit the Marian pilgrimage sites in Hungary, in the context of pilgrimages.
His first trip was to Mátraverebély-Szentkút. The President of Hungary arrived at the shrine with an old friend, psychologist Dr. Dénes Kovács, where they were welcomed by Franciscan monk and shrine director Lóránt Orosz.
Opening of the exhibition "Székelys – Patterns of Heritage " at the Museum of Ethnography
In the third part of Áron Tamási's rightly popular novel, upon arriving at the port, Ábel, who is travelling to America, must report his affiliation. He admits that he is indeed Székely. When asked, “What kind of nation is the Székely?” he replies, “Hungarian, but even better.”
I cordially welcome the management, experts and staff of the Museum of Ethnography, the members of the museums in Hungary and Szeklerland, the museologists and historians, the outstanding experts whose quality work has contributed to this unique exhibition, and all the guests of today's opening ceremony!
The President of Hungary honoured the victims of the Holocaust in Auschwitz
Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, paid a private visit to the memorial museum created at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp.
The Hungarian Head of State bowed his head and placed flowers of respect at the Wall of Death, where thousands of people were shot dead. He then lit a candle in memory of the Hungarian victims of the Holocaust at Camp I, and then at the Hungarian-language memorial plaque at Camp II, Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Arraiolos Summit in Krakow
Hungary is serving Europe and its citizens responsibly, said President of Hungary Dr. Tamás Sulyok at a press conference following the Arraiolos Group Summit in Krakow on Friday.
Hungary and Poland are linked by a historical relationship going back a thousand years, the President said, stressing that Hungary is also connected to Europe by similarly close ties.
The Head of State met with the President of the Integrity Authority
Dr. Tamás Sulyok hosted the President of the Integrity Authority, Ferenc Pál Biró, at Sándor Palace. The Integrity Authority is an autonomous public administration body dedicated to the prevention and detection of fraud, conflicts of interest and wrongdoing involving EU funds. The Authority is committed to protecting the EU's financial interests and ensuring sound financial management. According to the Authority's head, its core tasks are prevention and transparency, including in the area of public procurement.
Dr. Ákos Kozma, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, hosted by the President of Hungary
Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, received Dr. Ákos Kozma, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, at Sándor Palace. The Commissioner is responsible for protecting fundamental rights and ensuring that the activities of public authorities do not infringe people's constitutional rights. The Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights is particularly concerned with the protection of the rights of nationalities, future generations, people with disabilities and children.