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Open Days at Sándor-Palace – 13-14 May 2023

On the first anniversary of the inauguration of President of Hungary Katalin Novák, Sándor-Palace will be open to vis

Pope Francis' visit was a joyful celebration, an occasion when it was good to be Hungarian

In her interview given to public media, Katalin Novák called the three-day visit of Pope Francis a joyful celebration

Katalin Novák to attend the coronation of King Charles III

President of Hungary Katalin Novák will attend the coronation of British monarch King Charles III at the weekend.&nbs

Pope Francis in Hungary

President Katalin Novák received Pope Francis in a ceremonial setting on the first stop of his apostolic journey to H

Address by Katalin Novák at the welcome ceremony for Pope Francis

Santo Padre,
¡Dios nos ha traído a Usted, el Hombre de la Paz, a Hungría!

Press release from Sándor Palace

The week of the Pope’s visit is a special occasion for the Head of State to exercise her power of mercy. 

The future belongs to the Man of Peace – Interview with President of Hungary Katalin Novák in the Catholic Weekly Új Ember (New Man)

Pope Francis, accepting the invitation of state and church authorities, will pay an apostolic visit to Hungar

Katalin Novák held a presentation on the role of diplomacy at Hungary’s National University of Public Service

Katalin Novák also spoke about the role of diplomacy, the importance of language skills in one-on-one meetings and th