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Welcome speech delivered by Dr. Tamás Sulyok at the oath-taking ceremony for the Hungarian Olympians leaving for Paris

Dear Hungarian Olympic Team!
Ladies and Gentlemen!

It is a celebration for the whole nation when a Hungarian athlete achieves excellent success with an Olympic performance. The Olympics is the pinnacle of competitions. 

It is when the most beautiful chapters in our sporting history are written. These chapters are written by those who take the lead at the finish line, who break records, who step up to the podium, those in whose honour the Hungarian national anthem is played.

As President of Hungary, I am speaking to you on the occasion of your oath-taking ceremony to thank you on behalf of the Hungarian people for the hard work and determination it took to get the Hungarian team ready to compete in the Paris Olympics. 

Thank you for fighting to be among the best athletes in the world, for fighting and showing how to perform at the highest level.

When the days of the competition come, remember that millions of our fellow citizens are rooting for you to win, to do as well as possible. We will all be there. Some in the stands, others in spirit, in front of TV screens and projectors. At home or at work, in the car or on public transport, listening to the radio or the internet.

There will also be those cheering from a higher realm for a good performance.

Through your fighting spirit, you bring untold joy to the Hungarian people. You also give an unforgettable experience to those children who see you as role models, heroes to be emulated, who are now planning their own future following the example of the Hungarian athletes of the Paris Olympics.

Distinguished Hungarian Olympic Team!

Hungary needs Hungarian sporting experiences. Moreover, great athletes who boost and refresh the nation's self-confidence and faith in its community. Olympians who show the strength of our nation.
Because it is amazing to say it, but every time Hungary has gone to an Olympic Games, it has come home with gold medals; moreover, on average we have won seven gold medals. We hope that this time, we will witness many shiny medals being hung around your necks again!

Your participation in the Olympics brings the nation together. When you score points, step onto the podium, or win a race, a thrust or a match, it is a thrill for town and country, young and old, rich and poor. You give strength to us all. You show that there is only one Hungary; you show that we belong together. At times like these, walls become invisible – walls that should never separate individuals, a Hungarian from another Hungarian. I thank you; we thank you all for this experience.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Already Albert Szent-Györgyi believed that sport teaches the most important civic virtues: unity, quick determination, perseverance, fair play and the rules of noble competition. The members of the Hungarian Olympic team are heroes for us. Skilful, virtuous, excellent competitors. The best in their sport, role models. People who can hold their own among the world's top athletes, who can beat others and even themselves. 

We are proud of you; every Hungarian heart beats in unison for you.  
For you, from Budapest to Paris, from Szeged to Brussels, and from Csíkszereda to Sydney, we will shout together:

"Go for it! Give it your all!
Go Hungarians!"
From the depth of my heart, I wish you every success.

Budapest, Palace of Arts - 8 July 2024