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To us, they are all winners! - Dr. Tamás Sulyok at the Paralympics in Paris

President Sulyok met with the Hungarian Paralympic team and its leaders during the 2024 Summer Paralympic Games in Paris, and watched several events. 

During the meeting, the Head of State stated that he not only follows and acknowledges, but also supports the work of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee and the efforts of the athletes to the fullest extent. 

The President of Hungary said that the Committee, established 27 years ago, helps and provides opportunities to our fellow athletes who find themselves in hopeless situations. 

In his speech to the Paralympians, Dr Tamás Sulyok thanked them for their personal efforts, perseverance and determination, which have brought glory not only to themselves but also to Hungary. 

He stressed that the Paralympians are among the best in the world in their chosen sport. 

According to the President of Hungary, the perseverance and willpower of the athletes is a shining example for all Hungarians. "They are the ones we can look up to and draw strength from in times of difficulty." - said Dr Tamás Sulyok. 

The Head of State extended his heartfelt congratulations to all the Paralympians, and added that to Hungary, they are all winners!

The Hungarian team won 5 gold, 6 silver, and 4 bronze medals at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.