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Presidential visit to Vienna

Following his inauguration to the office, Dr. Tamás Sulyok's second official visit abroad - after the Vatican - led to Vienna, where he was received by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen.

In addition to the close inter-state relations due to the close proximity of the two countries, this was also an important visit for the Hungarian Head of State's personal history, as President Sulyok had previously served as Honorary Consul in Austria.
The Heads of State noted that in these extraordinary times, it is more important than ever to maintain good and balanced cooperation and relations between neighbouring countries on a regular and continuous basis. Dr. Tamás Sulyok invited his Austrian counterpart for an official visit to Budapest.

They mutually agreed that Hungarian-Austrian relations are excellent. The relationship between the two countries is based on strategic partnership, centuries-old historical links and friendship. They added that economic and cultural relations between the two countries are also excellent. 
Alexander Van der Bellen expressed support for the plan to establish a Hungarian-language secondary school in Vienna.

During the meeting, the issue of traffic restrictions at border crossings in Burgenland was also discussed. It was agreed that the common goal is to solve the problem as soon as possible and to ensure the smooth flow of border traffic. To this end, constructive negotiations are ongoing between the governments.

Dr. Tamás Sulyok informed his Austrian counterpart about the objectives of the Hungarian EU Presidency, in which the parties stressed the importance of increasing the EU's competitiveness.

Both sides stressed the importance of the accession of the Western Balkan countries to the European Union as soon as possible.

During his visit to Vienna, President Sulyok also met with Austria’s Speaker of the House Wolfgang Sobotka, with whom he held bilateral talks, including on the war in Ukraine and the need to protect the rights of national minorities, the importance of which the Austrian Speaker fully appreciated.

The meeting also touched on the growing anti-Semitism in Europe, which was exacerbated by the Hamas attack in October last year. The Hungarian Head of State said: Hungary has zero tolerance for anti-Semitism. We stand by Israel because it has the right to defend itself, said Dr. Tamás Sulyok, who condemned terrorism in all its forms. At the same time, he added that no equivalence should be drawn between the Palestinian people and Hamas.

The President commended the excellent economic and cultural relations, and pointed out that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the first Hungarian cultural institution abroad, the Collegium Hungaricum in Vienna.

Following the talks, Dr Tamás Sulyok paid a visit to the statue of Ignác Semmelweis at the Medical University of Vienna, then met with representatives of the Hungarian community in Austria, and concluded his visit by attending the opening concert of the Hungarian EU Presidency.