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Medal ceremony for Olympians, Paralympians and sports professionals

The Olympians and Paralympians have stood the test of strength and character at the same time, they have proven themselves in both, and thus have become our role models - emphasised Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, at the state awards ceremony held in the building of the National Assembly in honour of the athletes and sports professionals who have achieved outstanding results at the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games and the XVII Summer Paralympic Games.

The President of Hungary stressed that only human greatness, stemming from struggle, honourable behaviour, daily efforts and human stature, gives pride. It is only this attitude that serves as an example, which we are happy to follow, he stressed.

According to Dr. Tamás Sulyok, it must be an uplifting feeling to hear the Hungarian homeland praised as a result of our individual efforts. Few people achieve this, apart from the great figures of our history, perhaps only the champions can," said the President. He added that it is when we experience such solemn moments that we say it is good to be Hungarian.

He recalled that many believe that we Hungarians are an exceptionally talented nation in sports. He said that he did not disagree with this, as by all indications it was true, but he believed that this was not the only reason for our sporting success.

„There has to be an inner drive that gets our best people to the finish line. Something that matures from the cradle onwards and shapes us invisibly”.

He added: Perhaps it is our lack of kinship that has destined us not to rely on others in our struggles, but to act ourselves. Perhaps it is our turbulent history that has taught us to remain standing, no matter what. Perhaps the strength of our communities gives us resilience in our struggles.

„Perhaps the Hungarian heart is built in such a way that it can only relax after reaching the goal, and until it reaches it, it will continue to carry on, no matter the exhaustion", the President said.

Becoming a champion and reaching the finish line is not a matter of a moment. It requires years, often decades, of perseverance. The struggle to reach the goal is long-term, hard work; it's not about a single race, but a series of competitions and countless training sessions.

"Becoming a champion and crossing the finish line is not a matter of the moment. It takes years, often decades of perseverance. The struggle to reach the goal takes long, hard work. Not a single competition, but a series of competitions, endless hours of training" - said Dr. Tamás Sulyok, emphasizing that this is why he thanks the Olympians, Paralympians and their coaches not only for the exhilarating moment of reaching the finish line, but also for the years of commitment with which they have fought on.

The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Speaker of the National Assembly László Kövér.