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The history of the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma has been intertwined with that of the nation - Dr. Tamás Sulyok on St. Martin's Hill

The moral foundation of Hungary is Christianity, specifically the consistent adherence to the teachings of Christ. No country, no society can function without a moral foundation and a moral order," said Dr. Tamás Sulyok, the President of Hungary, in his consecration anniversary address at the Basilica of Pannonhalma. 

Following the holy mass celebrated on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the medieval reconstruction and consecration of the monastery church built in honour of Saint Martin, the Head of State said that Pannonhalma still plays an important role in preserving Christianity in our country, ensuring the future of our nation, and ensuring that future generations uphold their faith and their Christian Hungarian identity. 

"Pannonhalma is a place where the language of peace has been spoken for a thousand years" - the Head of State said, adding that "these language skills" are urgently needed by the whole world today. 
Discord, judgments, hatred and war will only be pushed back where dialogue, respect and human dignity are given a place, said the President. 

Dr. Tamás Sulyok emphasized that Pannonhalma was born at the same time as the Hungarian state, survived the storms of centuries, showing that it was built on unshakable, rock-solid foundations. 
The Head of State added that the history of the Abbey has been intertwined with the history of the nation, while Saint Martin's Hill has become one of the most prominent symbols of Christianity in Hungary. 

The church, where our founding king worshipped, has been visited by thousands of pilgrim groups for centuries, and the monastery has always been home to Benedictine monks, with brief interruptions. It is true for both Eger and Pannonhalma that the strength of the walls is not in the stone, but in the defenders," said the President. 

Tamás Sulyok emphasized, "Pannonhalma's unique heritage is provided by the Benedictine monks, with the faith that we strive to follow, including prayer, work, moderation, and humility”. 
St Benedict was a conscious community builder, the first to set a model for the creation and functioning of monastic orders in the West, the President said, adding that the Order is the European pillar of Christianity and Benedict is the patron saint of Europe. 

The President of Hungary said that Pannonhalma has been and still is kept alive by its loyalty to the Benedictine values, and expressed his gratitude on behalf of Hungary for Pannonhalma, for the "Benedictines who prayed for our country, our youth, our religious and secular communities, for the teaching work with which they raised patriotic, Christian and capable intellectuals for generations". 

According to the President of Hungary, "the Benedictine order demands discipline, but gives freedom, works with precise, clear concepts, just like jurisprudence, and creates a transparent system of values". It provides a foundation that offers support in a world that is often out of touch with itself. 
This centuries-long process of building "has raised, preserved and renewed the Basilica, it has preserved the truth of the indestructability of the house built on the rock", the Head of State said. 

Following the speech, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) introduced the bronze patina-coloured commemorative plaque named after the Pannonhalma Benedictine Archabbey. The plaque was issued by the NMB on 28 August as the eleventh in a series of commemorative plaques for national historical sites, to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the reconstruction of the Basilica and the 10th anniversary of the opening of the monastery as a national historical site. 

Before the Holy Mass, Tamás Sulyok awarded the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary (civilian grade) to Archabbot Cirill T. Hortobágyi in recognition of his exemplary monastic and monastic leadership service and his more than three decades of teaching and educational activity. 

In his speech, the Head of State stressed that Archprimate Cirill has taken on and borne his responsibility with full awareness, has built and served the community deliberately . The work at Pannonhalma is a source of spiritual and intellectual edification for all people, a resource for Hungary and its existence is a celebration for the nation. 

The solemn Mass was conducted by Bishop Zsolt Marton of Vác, Bishop Viliam Judák of Nyitra and Archabbot Cirill T. Hortobágyi of Pannonhalma, the present-day successors of the bishops who consecrated the church in 1224.