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The cornerstone for shared reflection is the future of Europe

President Dr. Tamás Sulyok welcomed a delegation of Business Europe, an alliance of European corporations, to Sándor Palace. 
During the meeting, the Hungarian Head of State pointed out that one of the key priorities of the Hungarian Presidency is to strengthen the global competitiveness of the continent. 

Dr. Tamás Sulyok directed attention to the fact that efforts to strengthen competitiveness must go hand in hand with efforts towards sustainability, as the interests of future generations must also be taken into consideration.

The President of Hungary then added that in addition to competitiveness, the priorities of the Hungarian EU Presidency include strengthening Europe’s defence policy, implementing a merit-based enlargement policy, curbing illegal migration, working out the future of cohesion policy, pursuing a farmer-centred EU agricultural policy, as well as addressing demographic challenges and supporting families.

According to the Head of State, Hungary aims to achieve these advancements in the coming period as an honest broker and in a transparent manner, across as many areas as possible.

Dr. Tamás Sulyok stated that the foundation for making Europe great again lies in a continuous shared reflection and dialogue between political decision makers and market actors.