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Novák Katalin a HM KNBSZ tájékoztatóján - 2023.04.0.4

The Chief of Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces briefed the Head of State on the state of the war

On Tuesday, President of Hungary and Commander in Chief of the Hungarian Defence Forces received in her office Lieutenant-General Ruszin-Szendi Romulusz Chief of Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces and Major-General János Szaszák, Deputy Director General of the Military National Security Service.

After the meeting, Major General István Kun Szabó, Chief aide-de-camp of the Head of State reminded journalists at Sándor Palace: the President of the Republic receives bi-weekly briefings from the Chief of the General Staff on issues related to the Russian-Ukrainian war.

He added: on their Tuesday meeting, Ruszin-Szendi Romulusz briefed the Commander in Chief on on the current operational, military and combat situations, the state of the war and potential developments.

He also said that during the meeting the Chief of General Staff informed the Commander-in-Chief about the situation, state and readiness of the Hungarian Defence Forces, the level of training of troops and the current training courses.