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Appointments to the position of state secretary

Dr. Tamás Sulyok. the President of Hungary - on a proposal by the Prime Minister

- appointed Dr. György Ujsághy Permanent State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, with effect from 1 August 2024,
- appointed Dr. Natália Borsos-Papp Permanent State Secretary at the Ministry of Energy, with effect from 15 September 2024,
- appointed Dr Ádám Kósa State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior, with effect from 1 September 2024,
- appointed Attila Sztojka State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior, with effect from 1 September 2024,
- appointed Dr Gábor Czepek State Secretary at the Ministry of Energy, with effect from 15 September 2024,
- appointed Richárd János Szabados State Secretary at the Ministry of the National Economy, with effect from 15 September 2024.

At the ceremony in Sándor Palace, the Head of State wished the new state secretaries good endeavours and much success.