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150 years of service to law – A jubilee year in the history of the Budapest Bar Association

"When someone enters this building, the citadel of the Hungarian legal profession, whether or not they are a member of the profession, they immediately know that they are in a special place." - These were the words of the President of Hungary, Tamás Sulyok, when he greeted the guests at the ceremony marking the 150th anniversary of the Budapest Bar Association.

The one and a half century history of the chamber also reflects the development of Hungarian law. It was the united stance of lawyers that made the construction of a headquaters building possible at the time of the Millennium, as well as its post-war reconstruction. After the fall of communism, under the leadership of Dr. János Bánáti, the bar was able to reclaim the nationalised headquarters, which has now been renovated and opened its doors on this jubilee anniversary.

The 150-year history underlines the value of the rule of law and legal certainty. The lawyer is the link between society and the legal system, providing defence and representation. As the 1874 Act states, "The lawyer is one of the most important agents of justice." - said the President of Hungary in his speech.

Tamás Sulyok then quoted from the novel The Good Old Board Judges by Mór Jókai, who was born 200 years ago, highlighting the importance of the rule of law and predictability in today's sense of these words.

The Hungarian legal profession has continued to embrace this spirit. Knowledge, empathy and dedication are the hallmarks of a profession that ensures the stability of the legal order and the defence of citizens. The Budapest Bar Association has been serving this mission for 150 years.